This article will discuss how to create and send email templates. Specifically we will be covering how to send a template for a prescription, this does not include the email template you would have specified under Business Setup -> Prescription Settings. That template is for more generalised purposes, whereas this article will cover off sending specific prescription templates for other instances.

1) Select Content from the right hand bar
2) Click on Content Library
3) Select Add New 
4) Type in the text you would like in the Content field (see below example)
5) Hit SAVE in the top right hand corner.

You will notice that in the image, the {{url}} merge tag has been used, this merge tag needs to be included in the content block for it to include the prescription link. If the template is for general communication, do not include the tag.

After saving this content block, below are steps on how to include this content in an email. These steps start from the very beginning by creating the prescription.

1) Click Patients
2) Select the patient record and Select the Prescription tab or click the patients name if you are already in the prescription (It will be highlighted in blue)
3) Locate the prescription you would like to email and select the envelope button
4) Select the content block you created earlier from the Content bar (see below)
5) You will see your content block has been dropped into the message body (See below)
6) Add any required documents from the document library 
7) Click OK and send the email