No longer keep a manual log of seminars, webinars and conferences you attend nor do you need to search for those attendance certificates in order to collate the information to send to your association.

Simply create a block in your SimpleClinic diary, give it an appropriate name including Supplier and name of seminar and tag it as a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Activity so you can easily run a report at the end of the year to meet your association requirements. 

1. Go to the Diary -> right click on the date and time of the activity to create a block -> add the details (as per the image below) -> select the toggle to ON for 'Eligible for CPE' 

Remember to: 

  • Give the block a meaningful name, so you can reference it later. E.g SimpleClinic - Practice Smarter, Not Harder
  • Set the hours correctly so that you get the full credit for the CPE time. 

2. Go to the Reports Centre -> select the Continuing Professional Education report - select the start and end dates - Run. You can even print/export and send this to your association as required.