Once an event has been created, you can access this list of people registered. This article with images describes how to access the list of attendees for an event.  

On this page:

  • View Workshop Registrations
  • Add a Registration
  • Delete a Registration
  • Export Registration List to CSV

View Workshop Registrations

1. Select the Workshops option from the main navigation menu on the left -> select the magnifying glass next to the workshop you wish to view. 

2. Select View registrations 

3. The sidebar will open showing a list of registrations. From here you can do the following: (see further down for steps) 

  • Add a registration 
  • Delete Registrations
  • Export the registration list to a CSV file

Add Registration

4. Select Add registration -> either select an existing patient or add new information. 

Select the dropdown to search for an existing patient -> enter number of tickets -> Save

Add new information -> enter number of tickets -> Save

Delete a Registration

5. Select the delete button next to the name to immediately delete a registration, this action cannot be undone. 

Export Registration List to CSV

6. Select the Export to CSV button-> this will download a list of registrations into a CSV file which can be uploaded into an email or SMS marketing system.