If you would like to offer a Service on a a particular day, e.g. Discovery Calls are only available on Wednesdays, you can do this by following the below steps. 

  • Creating a new location
  • Assigning that service to the location
  • Opening hours for that location

In the below steps we will use the example of a Discovery Call only being available on Wednesdays but this can work for any type of Service. 

Step 1:   Create a new location

Go to Business Setup -> Your Clinic -> Locations -> Add Location -> Enter the details -> Save Location

Step 2:   Assign the Service to the new Location


Go to Services -> Search For the Service -> open the Service -> select the Location from the drop down -> Save

If you have not created this Service yet, please follow this article

Step 3: Set opening hours for that location

Go to Employees -> select the practitioner -> edit the employee hours if needed -> select the location against the appropriate day -> Save

The example image below shows online and in clinic selected for Tuesdays, online and discovery calls selected for Thursdays and only the discovery call selected for Saturdays. This means Discovery Calls can only be booked on Thursdays and Saturdays.