Referrals are designed to email directly to the healthcare provider, you can print a copy for the client if needed.

Prior to creating a referral, ensure the healthcare provider exists with type of CONTACT, you can determine this when creating a record or editing one (see below)

To create a referral go to the patient record you want to create a referral for, ensure the TYPE is set to PATIENT -> Save. Click the Send drop down and choose Create Referral. 

Ensure you have the patient and contact set. The contact will be the healthcare provider you are referring your patient to.

Fill out the details as required. The option to Include Supplements can be disabled or enabled.  This will then either include the supplements that the patient is CURRENTLY taking on the referral.  This will only include supplements on the LAST prescription.

The Introduction and Conclusion fields are optional but recommended.  This provides an option to add custom text at the opening and conclusion of the referral.  Custom content can be used.

The Treatment History is optional.  This will include the treatment notes you tick to include. The only section of the treatmentnote that will be included is the NOTES section.  This is because including all the custom fields would result in an incredibly long referral.  

The referral needs to be saved by clicking the save button in the action bar.

To send, click the email button.

The referral will now be locked.  All fields will become read only.

You can also print the referral. Click Print from the action bar.

Ensure that the print template is displayed. -> Print from your browser.

Printing a referral will not lock the referral. It will only lock when it is emailed.

A referral is locked once it has been emailed to another healthcare provider so that no changes can be made to it.  There is no option to unlock this.

Once saved the referral is accessible from the Referrals tab on the PATIENT RECORD.

The email sent can be found under the CONTACT’S messages tab. The contact is the healthcare provider you have send the referral to.

The original referral is still accessible from the patient’s Referrals tab.