You can specify which services need video conferencing links by viewing the service in the Services menu. This can be used with a Zoom Pro integration or using the SimpleClinic built in Telehealth platform

Step 1. Click the spyglass to the right of the service name in the grid to open the service for editing.

Step 2. When viewing the service you will see a radio group to allow you to specify whether the the service includes video conferencing. Set this to YES to have SimpleClinic generate meeting links. 

Step 3. After you have set the Video Conferencing radio group to YES make sure to save your changes to the service.

Step 4. Add merge tags to your booking and reminder messages for either Zoom or SC Meet with any other relevant information, e.g. 

  • ZOOM: This is an online video appointment via Zoom, use this link to join: {{event.join_url}}
  • SC MEET: This is an online video appointment, use this link to join: {{event.sc_meet_url}}

For the full instructions please see the relevant knowledge base article -> ZOOM or SC MEET 

Any future bookings for that service will either: 

  •  create a Zoom meeting link (if you have Zoom connected) 
  • create a SimpleClinic Telehealth meeting link (if you do not have Zoom connected)