This article will discuss adding documents from the Document Library to your automatic booking email.
This step is to be completed after you have added your documents to the Document Library. If you are unsure of how to do this, please follow this link to the Knowledge Base article that will provide you steps on how to complete.
After you have added your documents to the Document Library, navigate to Business Setup -> Message Settings. Under your Message Settings, select Booking Email -> Attached Documents (pictured below)
You are then able to start type into the "Search document library" box, this will bring up the documents that match what you have typed in.
Once done, ensure you hit the SAVE button on the far bottom right hand corner of the page.
PLEASE NOTE: We recommend only uploading PDF's to the document library. Caution is advised when sending .docx extensions. Some mail providers will often strip/block .docx attachments due to the risk of macros. We find this is the case with common email providers such as gmail.