This article will discuss invoicing a patient for a subscription to Naturopathic Yoga using the 3 payment options within SimpleClinic.

Before proceeding with ANY of these options, you first need to create "Naturopathic Yoga Subscription" as an item in Inventory -> Items. Steps to adding items to the inventory are found here

Once done, please proceed with one of the options below depending on your payment gateway you are using.

Option 1 for Ezi-Debit:

Access the Packages features by clicking on the Inventory -> Packages menu option.

The list of existing packages will appear. 

To create a new package, click on the Add New button on the top right of the screen.

Fill in the package details, which includes the following:

· Name – Name of your package

· Description – a longer description of the package

· Sell price – cost for EACH billing cycle, not the total price of the package.

· GST - toggle whether GST is applicable to the package or not

· Recurrence Frequency – use the dropdown list to select whether the patient will be billed weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or other schedule

· Recurrence Times – the number of payments the patient will be charged for the package. If this package is continuing until the patient decides to cancel, leave as 0 and the package will recur indefinitely until cancelled

· Sign up email subject – the subject line of the email which will be sent to the patient when they book into this package

· Sign up email body - the email text which will be sent to the client

· Package contents – it is unlikely an services will need to be linked if you are charging for solely the Naturopathic Yoga subscription, you can leave this blank.

The last section on the package details screen shows the patients who have signed up for the package.

Ensure to click SAVE!

To sign up a patient to this package, click on the "Email sign up" button at the top of the packages window if the patient will be filling the payment details out themselves. Or, click "View Sign Up" if you are completing the paperwork with them.

A new pop up window will appear for you to select if the patient is new or existing.

The patient will not be added to the list of subscribed patients, until they complete and submit their DDR (Direct Debit Request) form which was emailed to them in the steps above.

The payment amount, date and frequency details in the "Regular Debits" section on the fillable form are taken from the package cost and payment details. Check these payment details.

The patient should complete all sections of the DDR form, check the payment details, tick the Service Agreement checkbox, then click on the Submit button, to send the form to EziDebit.

At this point, the patient has been subscribed. For more information on managing the subscription, please click here

Option 2:

You will first need to ensure you have Square, Stripe OR Ezi-Debit connected from Business Setup - > Integrations

  1. Select Patients -> Patient record -> Payment Details -> ADD NEW -> Payment Gateway -> Choose the preferred method -> Once selected, you can enter the card details -> SAVE.

This will now setup your patient as a payee with payment gateway. The patient's credit card details won't be seen after this, but you can update new credit card details but the old ones will never be shown in SimpleClinic.

2. Next, create the invoice for your patient for the amount that will be charged on a recurring basis. (Service with supplements, service only, supplements only etc.)

3. Select Create Schedule in the top action bar, this will open the below screen:

4. This allows you set the:

  • frequency - weekly, fortnightly, monthly
  • interval - every 2 weeks, every 1 month, every 1 fortnight etc
  • start date - when should the billing cycle start
  • cycles - how many times will this schedule repeat? You can allow it recur with no end until it's cancelled

5. The schedule will also show future scheduled payments and allow you to remove an upcoming payments if needed.

6. You will have the option to Download Client Paperwork.  This provides a form that the user can complete in the clinic summarising their payment schedule and collecting payment information.

Please note: That it is a requirement under the Bulk Electronic Clearing System procedures that patients complete this paperwork and sign this paperwork.  Further, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards stipulate that this form then be securely stored.  Treat this just as you would treat medical records and files.

7. Once the patient has completed the client paperwork providing their credit cards details, these can be entered in the patient record under the Payment details tab (If this was not done already in step 1).

Please note: SimpleClinic DOES NOT store your client credit card details.  These are stored securely on your payment gateway servers.

8. FINAL STEP: After completing the billing schedule, you can either delete or hide the original invoice that was used to create the billing scheduled provided there is not a payment associated with that invoice already. 

Note: You will be notified after this process has cleared, any errors will be notified to you through the banner on Dashboard.