There are many pathology tests and markers which can be used to record results against patients! SimpleClinic includes a lot of basic or standard tests, but you can add more test markers!

From the main SimpleClinic menu, expand the "Content" menu and select the "Custom Tests" option.

The list of custom tests will be displayed. 

Click on the Add New button.

The fields on this window include the following:

  • Test name - the name of the individual marker
  • Group - a generalised name that the test marker can be grouped into with other similar tests, such as "blood lipids", "female hormones", "vitamins" etc
  • Unit - an optional unit of measurement of the test marker, such as mmol/L, %, cm, etc

Click on OK to save the new custom test.

NB - once a test result for a Custom Test has been added to more than one patient, that custom test cannot be deleted!

Adding a Custom Test to the list of Default tests

SimpleClinic allows you to select a number of regularly-used test markers to be "default" tests that will be added automatically to each patient's treatment note.  Custom Tests can be selected to be one of the "default" test markers if required! A administrator user can follow the steps here