Invoices can be printed or even emailed to patients for their records, or for health insurance fund rebates if required.

Go to Patients -> Find the Patient -> Select the Invoices tab -> open the invoice -> select SMS, Email or Print. 


From the Invoices screen, clicking on the Print button on the action bar at the top of the screen will initially display the invoice in a new browser tab, so you can see the format and how it will look when printed. Use this feature to check for any errors or omissions, before printing the invoice using the Print button, or the Print option in the browser menu.


This email template can be modified under Business Setup -> Your Clinic -> Invoice Settings -> edit the Email Subject & Email Body -> Save 


The invoice can also be sent to a patient via SMS message, using the SMS option on the navigation bar.

Open the link:

When you send a patient an invoice by SMS or email by clicking the SMS or Email link in the action bar, the body of the SMS or email will contain a unique link to the SimpleClinic web portal. If the patient clicks on this link, they will be able to print or download their invoice. You can also click on this link to test that the invoice appears as you expect.