SimpleClinic can synchronise to external calendars such as the following:

  1. Apple iCloud
  2. Google Gmail or Gsuite
  3. Microsoft Office 365
  4. Microsoft Exchange
  5. Microsoft

This can enable you to synchronise appointments, blocks or events to external calendars, so that events created in those external calendars can also appear in your SimpleClinic diary, and vice versa!

Some limitations or notes on this include:

  1. Events created in the external calendar, at this stage, will generally only appear in the SimpleClinic diary as "blocks". 
  2. Existing future events in your calendars (in SimpleClinic diary and external calendar) will NOT be synchronised until an event is changed (i.e. edited and saved)
  3. Historical events in your calendars will not be synchronised
  4. Events will automatically go BOTH ways between your SimpleClinic and external calendar. 
  5. Recurring blocks or appointments added to your SimpleClinic may not go over to the external calendar (other than the initial block or appointment). 

Please refer to the instructions for configuring SimpleClinic and your calendar for this process to work!

Please note that depending on your calendaring provider event sync can take up to five minutes to push through the different infrastructures.  iCloud in particular will take longer than other calendar services.

To get started, click here.