The daily or monthly sales totals on the Dashboard by default will include and display the amounts of gift vouchers or other pre-paid amounts when they are redeemed by patients. The amounts of the vouchers is shown separately to the cash or EFTPOS amounts taken, so you can confirm the daily takings with what is recorded in SimpleClinic.
Some clinics do not want the details of the vouchers to be displayed on the Dashboard, and if so, you can turn off the displaying of voucher amounts using the "Exclude vouchers from Dashboard" setting in the Business Setup ->Dashboard settings option.
Change the toggle setting to Yes if you want to hide vouchers on the Dashboard. Click on the Save button at the top or bottom of the Business Setup page to save the change.
Bear in mind that if you exclude the redeemed vouchers from the Dashboard, that what might look like a busy day in clinic with lots of patients may not match the takings, if you use vouchers a lot!