This article considers how you can add an electronic consent form to your forms through the Forms.

You can complete these steps either from a pre-existing form or you can create a new form if you wish to have a form entirely dedicated to consent.

1) Click Content from the navigation bar

2) Select Forms.

3) You will be re-directed to the Forms screen where you will see the forms to view or ADD.

NOTE: If you are building a form from scratch, make sure you give your form a name (such as Client Consent Form).

4) For this example, we will be adding to an existing form. You will need the following fields to create a consent form:

  • Paragraph (This is where you will put your consent information)
  • Date Field (For the client note what date they signed)
  • ESignature (For the client to sign)

5) Drag those fields over to the form build box in order.

6) You can edit the fields by hovering over the field you would like to edit and clicking the pencil icon.

7) Fill in the paragraph field with your desired information (example shown below). Once your done, hit the "close" button at the bottom of the field you are editing:

"The information provided will be used by your practitioner to advise on dietary changes and nutritional/herbal supplements that may benefit you. By signing this form, you state that this is true and accurate representation of your health information and that you will advise your practitioner of any changes.

In addition, by signing this form you understand and agree to the 48 hour cancellation/reschedule policy as set out by Passion 4 Health: If you cancel/reschedule your appointment within 48 hours, you will be required to secure your next appointment with full payment.

By signing this form, you also understand and agree that your $60 security deposit will be kept in credit secure your next appointment. However, in the event that you cancel/reschedule your appointment with insufficient notice, your deposit will be forfeited and you will be required to secure your next appointment with full payment."

ESignature shown below:

13) Make sure to hit the SAVE button in the bottom right hand corner.