Cloning a prescription will copy all text in the custom fields, and all supplements or herbals or products from the previous prescription! You just need to make any adjustments required.

Clone any prescription

Many new prescriptions are simply a copy of the previous prescription, or slight variations of the previous prescription. To make creating prescriptions in SimpleClinic much quicker, you can clone a previous or the last prescription for a patient, to save you having to type it all out again! Then you can just make the modifications to it that you need for the current consultation!

There are two ways to clone a prescription for a patient:

  1. Using the clone button on the list of prescriptions for a patient
  2. Using the clone button on a previous prescription details screen

The first way to clone any previous prescription is from the patient record, clicking on the Prescriptions tab for the client to show the list of prescriptions.

Clicking on the clone button for a prescription will make a copy of that prescription and open the prescription for editing as needed.

Alternatively, you can select to view any previous prescription using the blue View button, which will open the prescription details. On the menu bar at the top, there is a Clone button which will copy the current prescription.

All details for the previous prescription will be copied, including the advice in the custom fields, and any supplements and/or herbals! Click on Save.

The cloned prescription will be saved with the current date by default.

Clone the last prescription

In the prescription details screen, there is a Clone button on the menu bar, and the Clone button has a dropdown list icon at the right. Clicking on the dropdown list of the Clone button will display the Clone From Last option.

Clicking on the Clone From Last option will make a complete copy of the last prescription for the selected client, including all text details for all custom fields, and all supplements and/or herbals in the prescription!

If you have added any text into the prescription or added any supplements before clicking on the Clone From Last option, those edits will be overwritten and replaced by the details from the last prescription! So make sure you use the Clone From Last button BEFORE adding text to the prescription!