By default, the main clinic details will be used for branding invoices and prescriptions.  In some cases a practitioner may want to use different branding. Each practitioner on your SimpleClinic account can create a branding override which will be used on invoices and prescriptions. 

On this page:

  • Set Practitioner Branding Override
  • Create an Invoice and apply branding override 

Set practitioner branding override

1. Select Employees from the SimpleClinic menu and the list of employees will be shown. Click the View button for the practitioner user you wish to edit. 

2. Scroll down the employee details to the Branding Override section.

The clinic's branding and details will be shown by default, but these fields can be edited with the individual branding for the practitioner, including their logo or picture. If changed, these details will be displayed instead of the clinic branding on Invoices and Prescriptions - providing that the patient is linked to the practitioner, and the "Practitioner Branding" field has the practitioner's name selected on the Invoice. 

3. Enter the required details -> Save

Create an Invoice and apply branding override

4. Create an invoice -> select the Practitioner Branding to the practitioner as desired.