SimpleClinic provides ways to personalise booking confirmation messages and reminder messages to patients by merging data into the message, such as the patient's name, clinic location, date and time of the appointment and more! We use "merge tags" in messages to do this!

To personalise the messages to patients, go Business Setup -> Message Settings 

As you write the message text, you can add merge tags which are preceded and ended with double brackets - "{{"and "}}". SimpleClinic looks for these merge tags in the messages and replaces them with the corresponding data.

Some examples of these special merge tags are fairly self-explanatory, while some are not! 

We advise to refer to this list for the most current merge tags, and to carefully type each merge tag and not to copy and paste - as this can introduce invisible formatting characters.

Examples can include the following:

Patient Details:

Patient's first name
Patient's last name
Patient's phone number
Patient's email address

Appointment Details:

Appointment date localised to the patient's time zone, e.g. 24/04/2024  
{{event.user_dtstart|date("D, dS M Y")}} Appointment date localised to the patient's time zone, e.g. Fri, 07th Jun 2024
{{event.user_dtstart|date("g:i a")}}
Appointment time (in hours & minutes) localised to the patient's time zone
The patient's time zone

Service Details:

Appointment or service name (Ïnitial consultation", or Naturopathy consultation" etc)
Appointment duration

Practitioner Details (for the assigned appointment):

{{practitioner.first_name}}  Practitioner first name
Practitioner last name
Practitioner email address

Clinic Location Details (If the clinic has multiple locations):

{{}} Clinic location name 
Clinic location street address
{{location.suburb}} Clinic location suburb
Clinic location state


{{event.cancel_url}} Allows self service cancellation of appointments in accordance with your cancellation policy. This will only take effect if you are on the latest version of online booking. 
Cancellation hours required as set in your Services. Ensure to type hours after the merge tag.
Cancellation amount required as set in your Services. Ensure to type before the merge tag

If you are unsure please raise a support ticket by emailing 

We recommend to test all SMS and email messages by creating test appointments to yourself or to practitioners, before you send them to real patients!

Please note that SMS messages should be shorter, as they are sent in blocks of 144 characters. Each block of 144 characters will be charged at 10c each. Hence a long SMS message can be costly! Use email messages for longer message with detailed instructions as needed.  A maximum message size of 1600 characters is supported when using SMS.

An example SMS message can be as follows:

An example longer email message can be as follows: