Important notes for creating Forms:
- Remember that > 80% of patients will complete the forms using their mobile phone!
- Don’t make them too long or complex or they likely won't fill them in. They aren't meant to replace the time you spend with them in consultations
- When building your form do not cut and paste from Microsoft Word as this introduces formatting information that will result in an invalid form when trying to save.
- See this article for how to add your intake form to your booking and reminder messages.
- You can also use forms for feedback surveys post consultation, please see here for those instructions
- If you need help with creating your form, please email and we can quote to create the form on your behalf.
Forms notifications:
- You will receive an email when the form has been sent back. If you have no notification, the form hasn't been filled out. This means the patient has not completed all the required fields, or they haven't submitted it to you.
- There is a confirmation message that appears after the form has been submitted to advise that the form has been sent to the practitioner. If the patient does not see this, then the form hasn't been sent.
- If you received the notification but can't see the form, it means the form is unlinked and needs to be linked to the patient. Forms become unlinked when the DOB and email combination doesn't match. See these instructions for how to move an intake form.
Click here to watch a video demonstration of the below steps.
Part 1. Creating a form from a template and basic editing
- Go to Content -> Forms
- Select Add
- Select Load form from library –> OK. This is the best way to start making a form
- Select ‘SimpleClinic Sample Intake Form’ from the drop down -> OK
- Rename the form, e.g. Clinic Initial Intake Form -> SAVE
- You can delete, edit, or duplicate each of the existing sections by using these buttons shown in the screenshot below, visible when hovering over the section.
We recommend hitting SAVE after every change to an element, as the forms do not autosave.
- You can also re-order the elements by dragging and dropping them in place
- Duplicating is an easy way to make a copy of a section and then make edits to it as needed.
- Select the pencil icon to edit the section and edit as follows (see screenshot below)
- Required: Set whether the field is to be a required (mandatory) field
- Label: is the question or statement that the patient will see
- Help Text: a tip on how to answer this question, the client will hover over the question mark above the field to read this text
- Placeholder: this will show as example text in the field
- Name: this is what you will see when the form gets sent back, this is for your reference only and must be set for you to see the answer.
- Select Close at the bottom of the editing window, then click SAVE at the top of the form. We recommend doing this after editing each section to ensure you don’t lose your work.
See Parts 3 & 4 for more elements.
Part 2. Preview & Submit
Once you have made all the required changes, you can preview the form to see what the patient will see and submit a form to test it.
- Select SAVE to ensure all edits are saved
- Select Preview -> OK -> the fillable form will open in a new tab
- Enter the responses
- Select Send to Practitioner
Part 3. Required elements
The Email and Birth Date (DOB) fields are required as these are used to map the form to the correct patient record.
Part 4. Commonly used elements
Select the element from the right hand side menu (as per the screenshot below) and drag it into the form.
Checkbox Group
For when you want your patients to select multiple options, as per the example below.
- Edit the label, help text and name as before, and check the required box if necessary.
- Select ‘Display checkbox inline’ if you would like the answers to be inline (as above), leaving this unchecked means that items will be listed one on each line.
- Select ‘Let users enter an unlisted option so patients can select ‘other’ and type in their own answer
- Add options as required (see below screenshot), the left hand side is what is shown to the clients, the right hand side is what you will see when the form gets sent back, this is for your reference only. Both must be set for you to view the responses and for the form to submit.
- You can delete options by selecting the cross next to it
- You can re-order the options by dragging and dropping them in place
Radio Group
For when you want your patients to select a single, as per the example below
- Edit the label, help text and name as before, and check the required box if necessary.
- Select ‘Display radio inline’ if you would like the answers to be inline, leaving this unchecked means that items will be listed one on each line (as above).
- Select ‘Let users enter an unlisted option so patients can select ‘other’ and type in their own answer if that is appropriate to your question.
- Add options as required (see below screenshot), the left hand side is what is shown to the clients, the right hand side is what you will see when the form gets sent back, this is for your reference only. Both must be set for you to view the responses and for the form to submit.
ESignature Field & Date Field
For when you want your patient to electronically sign the form, e.g. when it includes a consent, cancellation or other clinic policy. This can be combined with the Date Field if you want to include in the response the date the form was signed. See the example of both elements below.
If you have multiple sections in your form, use a Header to separate your sections with headings such as General Information, Nutrition & Lifestyle.
Paragraph Field
To include instructions or information such as privacy and consent. It is a body of text that does not have a place for the patient to enter a response.
Select Field
For when you would like the patient to select a single item from a drop down of options.
- Edit the label, help text, placeholder and name as before, and check the required box if necessary.
- Add options as required (see below screenshot), the left hand side is what is shown to the clients, the right hand side is what you will see when the form gets sent back, this is for your reference only. Both must be set for you to view the responses and for the form to submit. If you do not add placeholder text, the first option added will show as the selection by default.

Text Field and Text Area
For when you would like the patient to enter text as a response. A Text field is commonly used for short answers such as Name, Address and Mobile number. A Text Area allows for a longer answer, such as a list of current medications.
- Edit the label, help text, placeholder and name as before, and check the required box if necessary.
The screenshot below shows how the client can expand the text area by dragging down the bottom right hand corner.